Real code (borrowed from gchui/rebolbot/prot-http.r) - Desert CSS
System: "REBOL [R3] Language Interpreter and Run-time Environment"
Title: "REBOL 3 HTTP protocol scheme"
Rights: {
Copyright 2012 REBOL Technologies
REBOL is a trademark of REBOL Technologies
License: {
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Name: 'http
Type: 'module
Version: 0.1.0
File: %prot-http.r
Purpose: {
This program defines the HTTP protocol scheme for REBOL 3.
Author: "Gabriele Santilli"
Date: 22-Jun-2007
sync-op: func [port body /local state] [
unless port/state [open port port/state/close?: yes]
state: port/state
state/awake: :read-sync-awake
do body
if state/state = 'ready [do-request port]
unless port? wait [state/connection port/spec/timeout] [http-error "Timeout"]
body: copy port
if all [
select state/info/headers 'Content-Type
parse state/info/headers/Content-Type [
"text/" thru "; charset=UTF-8"
] [
body: to string! body
if state/close? [close port]
read-sync-awake: func [event [event!] /local error] [
switch/default event/type [
connect ready [
do-request event/port
done [
close [
error [
error: event/port/state/error
event/port/state/error: none
do error
] [
http-awake: func [event /local port http-port state awake res] [
port: event/port
http-port: port/locals
state: http-port/state
if any-function? :http-port/awake [state/awake: :http-port/awake]
awake: :state/awake
switch/default event/type [
read [
awake make event! [type: 'read port: http-port]
check-response http-port
wrote [
awake make event! [type: 'wrote port: http-port]
state/state: 'reading-headers
read port
lookup [open port false]
connect [
state/state: 'ready
awake make event! [type: 'connect port: http-port]
close [
res: switch state/state [
ready [
awake make event! [type: 'close port: http-port]
doing-request reading-headers [
state/error: make-http-error "Server closed connection"
awake make event! [type: 'error port: http-port]
reading-data [
either any [integer? state/info/headers/content-length state/info/headers/transfer-encoding = "chunked"] [
state/error: make-http-error "Server closed connection"
awake make event! [type: 'error port: http-port]
] [
any [
awake make event! [type: 'done port: http-port]
awake make event! [type: 'close port: http-port]
close http-port
] [true]
make-http-error: func [
"Make an error for the HTTP protocol"
message [string! block!]
] [
if block? message [message: ajoin message]
make error! [
type: 'Access
id: 'Protocol
arg1: message
http-error: func [
"Throw an error for the HTTP protocol"
message [string! block!]
] [
do make-http-error message
make-http-request: func [
"Create an HTTP request (returns string!)"
method [word! string!] "E.g. GET, HEAD, POST etc."
target [file! string!] {In case of string!, no escaping is performed (eg. useful to override escaping etc.). Careful!}
headers [block!] "Request headers (set-word! string! pairs)"
content [any-string! binary! none!] {Request contents (Content-Length is created automatically). Empty string not exactly like none.}
/local result
] [
result: rejoin [
uppercase form method #" "
either file? target [next mold target] [target]
" HTTP/1.0" CRLF
foreach [word string] headers [
repend result [mold word #" " string CRLF]
if content [
content: to binary! content
repend result ["Content-Length: " length? content CRLF]
append result CRLF
result: to binary! result
if content [append result content]
do-request: func [
"Perform an HTTP request"
port [port!]
/local spec info
] [
spec: port/spec
info: port/state/info
spec/headers: body-of make make object! [
Accept: "*/*"
Accept-Charset: "utf-8"
Host: either spec/port-id <> 80 [
rejoin [form spec/host #":" spec/port-id]
] [
form spec/host
User-Agent: "REBOL"
] spec/headers
port/state/state: 'doing-request
info/headers: info/response-line: info/response-parsed: port/data:
info/size: info/date: info/name: none
write port/state/connection
make-http-request spec/method to file! any [spec/path %/]
spec/headers spec/content
parse-write-dialect: func [port block /local spec] [
spec: port/spec
parse block [[set block word! (spec/method: block) | (spec/method: 'post)]
opt [set block [file! | url!] (spec/path: block)] [set block block! (spec/headers: block) | (spec/headers: [])] [set block [any-string! | binary!] (spec/content: block) | (spec/content: none)]
check-response: func [port /local conn res headers d1 d2 line info state awake spec] [
state: port/state
conn: state/connection
info: state/info
headers: info/headers
line: info/response-line
awake: :state/awake
spec: port/spec
if all [
not headers
d1: find conn/data crlfbin
d2: find/tail d1 crlf2bin
] [
info/response-line: line: to string! copy/part conn/data d1
info/headers: headers: construct/with d1 http-response-headers
info/name: to file! any [spec/path %/]
if headers/content-length [info/size: headers/content-length: to integer! headers/content-length]
if headers/last-modified [info/date: attempt [to date! headers/last-modified]]
remove/part conn/data d2
state/state: 'reading-data
unless headers [
read conn
return false
res: false
unless info/response-parsed [
;?? line
parse/all line [
"HTTP/1." [#"0" | #"1"] some #" " [
#"1" (info/response-parsed: 'info)
#"2" [["04" | "05"] (info/response-parsed: 'no-content)
| (info/response-parsed: 'ok)
#"3" [
"03" (info/response-parsed: 'see-other)
"04" (info/response-parsed: 'not-modified)
"05" (info/response-parsed: 'use-proxy)
| (info/response-parsed: 'redirect)
#"4" [
"01" (info/response-parsed: 'unauthorized)
"07" (info/response-parsed: 'proxy-auth)
| (info/response-parsed: 'client-error)
#"5" (info/response-parsed: 'server-error)
| (info/response-parsed: 'version-not-supported)
switch/all info/response-parsed [
ok [
either spec/method = 'head [
state/state: 'ready
res: awake make event! [type: 'done port: port]
unless res [res: awake make event! [type: 'ready port: port]]
] [
res: check-data port
if all [not res state/state = 'ready] [
res: awake make event! [type: 'done port: port]
unless res [res: awake make event! [type: 'ready port: port]]
redirect see-other [
either spec/method = 'head [
state/state: 'ready
res: awake make event! [type: 'custom port: port code: 0]
] [
res: check-data port
if all [not res state/state = 'ready] [
either all [
any [
find [get head] spec/method
all [
info/response-parsed = 'see-other
spec/method: 'get
in headers 'Location
] [
res: do-redirect port headers/location
] [
state/error: make-http-error "Redirect requires manual intervention"
res: awake make event! [type: 'error port: port]
unauthorized client-error server-error proxy-auth [
either spec/method = 'head [
state/state: 'ready
] [
check-data port
unauthorized [
state/error: make-http-error "Authentication not supported yet"
res: awake make event! [type: 'error port: port]
client-error server-error [
state/error: make-http-error ["Server error: " line]
res: awake make event! [type: 'error port: port]
not-modified [state/state: 'ready
res: awake make event! [type: 'done port: port]
unless res [res: awake make event! [type: 'ready port: port]]
use-proxy [
state/state: 'ready
state/error: make-http-error "Proxies not supported yet"
res: awake make event! [type: 'error port: port]
proxy-auth [
state/error: make-http-error "Authentication and proxies not supported yet"
res: awake make event! [type: 'error port: port]
no-content [
state/state: 'ready
res: awake make event! [type: 'done port: port]
unless res [res: awake make event! [type: 'ready port: port]]
info [
info/headers: info/response-line: info/response-parsed: port/data: none
state/state: 'reading-headers
read conn
version-not-supported [
state/error: make-http-error "HTTP response version not supported"
res: awake make event! [type: 'error port: port]
close port
crlfbin: #{0D0A}
crlf2bin: #{0D0A0D0A}
crlf2: to string! crlf2bin
http-response-headers: context [
Last-Modified: none
do-redirect: func [port [port!] new-uri [url! string! file!] /local spec state] [
spec: port/spec
state: port/state
if #"/" = first new-uri [
new-uri: to url! ajoin [spec/scheme "://" spec/host new-uri]
new-uri: construct/with decode-url new-uri port/scheme/spec
if new-uri/scheme <> 'http [
state/error: make-http-error {Redirect to a protocol different from HTTP not supported}
return state/awake make event! [type: 'error port: port]
either all [
new-uri/host = spec/host
new-uri/port-id = spec/port-id
] [
spec/path: new-uri/path
do-request port
] [
state/error: make-http-error "Redirect to other host - requires custom handling"
state/awake make event! [type: 'error port: port]
check-data: func [port /local headers res data out chunk-size mk1 mk2 trailer state conn] [
state: port/state
headers: state/info/headers
conn: state/connection
res: false
case [
headers/transfer-encoding = "chunked" [
data: conn/data
out: port/data: make binary! length? data
until [
either parse/all data [
copy chunk-size some hex-digits thru crlfbin mk1: to end
] [
chunk-size: to integer! to issue! chunk-size
either chunk-size = 0 [
if parse/all mk1 [
crlfbin (trailer: "") to end | copy trailer to crlf2bin to end
] [
trailer: construct trailer
append headers body-of trailer
state/state: 'ready
res: state/awake make event! [type: 'custom port: port code: 0]
clear data
] [
either parse/all mk1 [
chunk-size skip mk2: crlfbin to end
] [
insert/part tail out mk1 mk2
remove/part data skip mk2 2
empty? data
] [
] [
unless state/state = 'ready [read conn]
integer? headers/content-length [
port/data: conn/data
either headers/content-length <= length? port/data [
state/state: 'ready
conn/data: make binary! 32000
res: state/awake make event! [type: 'custom port: port code: 0]
] [
read conn
true [
port/data: conn/data
read conn
hex-digits: charset "1234567890abcdefABCDEF"
sys/make-scheme [
name: 'http
title: "HyperText Transport Protocol v1.1"
spec: make system/standard/port-spec-net [
path: %/
method: 'get
headers: []
content: none
timeout: 15
info: make system/standard/file-info [
headers: none
actor: [
read: func [
port [port!]
] [
either any-function? :port/awake [
unless open? port [cause-error 'Access 'not-open port/spec/ref]
if port/state/state <> 'ready [http-error "Port not ready"]
port/state/awake: :port/awake
do-request port
] [
sync-op port []
write: func [
port [port!]
] [
unless any [block? :value binary? :value any-string? :value] [value: form :value]
unless block? value [value: reduce [[Content-Type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"] value]]
either any-function? :port/awake [
unless open? port [cause-error 'Access 'not-open port/spec/ref]
if port/state/state <> 'ready [http-error "Port not ready"]
port/state/awake: :port/awake
parse-write-dialect port value
do-request port
] [
sync-op port [parse-write-dialect port value]
open: func [
port [port!]
/local conn
] [
if port/state [return port]
if none? port/spec/host [http-error "Missing host address"]
port/state: context [
state: 'inited
error: none
close?: no
info: make port/scheme/info [type: 'file]
awake: :port/awake
port/state/connection: conn: make port! [
scheme: 'tcp
host: port/spec/host
port-id: port/spec/port-id
ref: rejoin [tcp:// host ":" port-id]
conn/awake: :http-awake
conn/locals: port
open conn
open?: func [
port [port!]
] [
found? all [port/state open? port/state/connection]
close: func [
port [port!]
] [
if port/state [
close port/state/connection
port/state/connection/awake: none
port/state: none
copy: func [
port [port!]
] [
either all [port/spec/method = 'head port/state] [
reduce bind [name size date] port/state/info
] [
if port/data [copy port/data]
query: func [
port [port!]
/local error state
] [
if state: port/state [
either error? error: state/error [
state/error: none
] [
length?: func [
port [port!]
] [
either port/data [length? port/data] [0]